Sleeping Under the Surface
Nathaniel Wonderful's Writing path
The ten-year hiatus in my writing was a necessary part of my journey as an author, one that I feel no regrets about in hindsight. With the passage of time, I have acquired a wealth of knowledge and come to understand that some lessons must be learned, and compromises are not always the right approach to the problems we face.
Looking back to 2010, I can see myself crafting my last short story for the next decade. I had decided to quit writing and participating in any literary competitions a year prior, so if this piece had not been part of my final high school exam, I would not have even attempted it. The memory brings not sadness or disgust, but perhaps a hint of amusement; I recall being the only one who penned the story, while the rest of my class typed it away on their laptops.
Ironically, I had detested writing by hand since the first grade, caught in a constant struggle between the demands of my teacher and my mother. Thus, I did not willingly choose to write that essay in this manner, unaware that I could type it instead. It seemed a wild dream to me, and I still feel, to some extent, that using Word felt like cheating, as it corrected their mistakes.
Upon receiving my high school diploma, I took pride in only one thing: introducing one of my classmates, who had a disdain for reading, to the beauty of literature. My childhood dream of finding a job—regardless of its nature—so I could become financially self-sufficient faded away, devoured like so many possibilities in the abyss of the Great Recession, which began in 2008 and continued to gnaw at the world economy like a worm in an apple till 2015. As a graduand and an orphan, I had little chance of finding employment, and instead of offering me at least shelter and food for hard work, people demanded that I pay them to work for their companies without any promise of payment.
This was the final drop in the chalice of my patience after enduring many hardships. I sold my laptop and the rest of my belongings and left my country. Back then, I thought it would be forever. However, the death of my grandmother compelled me to confront unresolved issues, leading me to return to the Czech Republic in the spring of 2013 after three years in Japan as a volunteer. Yet, I found myself on the streets for a time, subsequently labouring for another six years to construct a life that left me unfulfilled.
During that period, I wrote no stories; I lacked the time, energy, or resources, and mostly, I felt devoid of hope. I was simply surviving—or rather, slowly dying—like an exotic tree planted in barren, lifeless soil. My health deteriorated rapidly, and I awaited the inevitable end. The few hobbies I had found provided minimal joy, and I eventually abandoned them due to rising costs. The relationships I had built and fought for began to crumble.
In the last six months before my 29th birthday, I awaited surgery and spoke to the cosmos: “If I survive this, I want to change my life fundamentally. So, if this is not the end, grant me a bloody chance.”
I survived, and as I opened my eyes in that hospital room, I knew my call had been answered. But it did not arrive like a pizza delivery; I had to seize it like a sword and fight my way forward. I had to overcome my fears, leave my comfort zone, and refuse to let anyone pull me back into the muck where I had been stuck. I followed the flickering light of a star, without expecting anyone to tread the path for me. This journey led me to a companion who encouraged me to forge ahead to the river that, though unchanged over the decade, now beckoned me with new possibilities. I knew this time that I could succeed.
I returned to my writing path in June 2019, but that was just the beginning.
Is there a beloved author whose silence weighs heavy upon you, their absence felt in the pages you long to read?
Has writing ever served as a refuge during the trials of your life, providing solace when all seemed lost?
Share your stories with me.
This is the third in a series of articles Writing journey, and I will post them regularly to slowly uncover the path of my journey as a writer. You can continue reading with the next one: The Fateful Meeting
Yours Truly,
Nathaniel Wonderful
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